Monday, August 6, 2012

Ugly Duckling or Majestic Swan? It’s Up to You!

There was a mother Duck who wondered why one of her little ducklings looks different than the other.  He was unusually large and ugly.

The other Ducklings make fun of him and punished him mercilessly.  Many would comment how ugly he was. Heartbroken and frustrated, he leaves to find a place in the world where he’ll be accepted.
One day at sunrise, he sees swans flying south – he admired their beauty, he wishes he could be as beautiful as they are. He takes flight and follows them to a beautiful lake, the ugly duckling then saw himself mirrored in the water, and saw the reflection of a magnificent swan, the reflection he saw was his very own, He then soon realized His true identity not as an ugly duckling but very beautiful swans.
 All his life he was led to believe that he is an ugly duckling.

There may be times in your life that you are led to believe that you are ugly, foolish, or you worth nothing and can do nothing.

You are what you choose to be. You can either listen to your critics and be a sad ugly duckling or choose to see what you truly are and be a happy beautiful swan.

Remember that what lies within you is a majestic swan.  You were born a swan you just have to believe and figure it out

Live up to your fullest potential.

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